How To Remove An Integrated Microwave


Microwaves are an appliance that aren’t too expensive to replace. So you may be looking to remove your old integrated microwave in order to make way for a new one, moving house, or it has broken. Whatever the reason it’s important to know how to remove an integrated microwave safely. The good news is that it’s reasonably straightforward. You should be able to do so with a little help and a screwdriver.  

Getting Started

The first thing to do is recruit the help of a family member, friend, or neighbor. Make them aware they will be the ones  who are doing the heavy lifting. Of course, you should treat them to a cup of tea or coffee! 

Next, you want to open the cupboard door whintegrated-microwave-in-a-kitchenere the microwave is located. Check to see what size and head type of screwdriver you will need.

If you are in a tight space trying to remove a caravan microwave, for instance, you need to make sure you have enough room to place the microwave once you have it out.

The Process

Safety comes first, so the first thing you need to do is turn off the power switch and remove the plug. This should be located at the back of the cabinet. The plug needs to be removed not only for safety. You also won’t be able to get the microwave very far if it’s still plugged in of course. If the cupboard where the microwave is located is at an elevated position you should use ladders or stand on the worktop whilst holding on to something. 

How to Install a New Integrated Microwave

Now that you know how to remove an integrated microwave you will most likely be replacing it with a new one. If you haven’t yet purchased your new one and plan on putting it in the same place as the old one, it’s imperative you get a microwave the same size. It’s always good to double-check the microwave fits, so slide it in to make sure. When you are happy it fits, make a mark where the new braces will be placed. You can use the holes that are usually found on the side of the microwave as a guide. Slide the microwave back out safely and securely. 

Drill holes in the cabinet where the braces will be placed. Secure the braces with your hand and attach the screws. 

Now you just need to place the microwave back in the cabinet. Remember to plug it in though before you push it all the way to the back. Attach the microwave to the braces using the screws that should be provided. Turn on the microwave and check that it’s working okay. Now congratulate yourself and your trusted sidekick for a job well done.

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