How to Sterilise MAM Bottle in the Microwave

MAM bottle users know that the best way of cleaning their baby feeders is self-sterilising. There are a few methods to achieve germ-free MAM bottles, but we will focus on how to sterilise MAM bottles in the microwave. The process is straightforward, but there are a few precautions you need to take every time you […]
How to Get Burnt Popcorn Smell Out of The Microwave

Chilling out with friends or your family and sharing a bag of popcorn is a great way to spend an evening. What’s not so great is when you leave the popcorn in the microwave too long causing it to burn. So, how do you get rid of the burnt popcorn smell? Learn several methods to […]
Mini Microwaves For Boats

Microwaves can be found in all shapes and sizes in most kitchens including mini microwaves for boats.. From the standard classic dial microwave to the latest with smart in-built technology. But what about a microwave for your boat? Are any of the domestic microwaves you will find in your home kitchen suitable for your boat? […]
Can You Microwave Canned Soup?

Popping your soup in the microwave is a quick way to make yourself a warm meal. You might have found a tin of soup in your cupboard late at night when you can’t be fussed cooking anything, need a quick snack on your lunch break at work, or a microwave is the only cooking option […]
White Smoke From Microwave Solution

Naturally, if you see white smoke from the microwave you are of course going to be alarmed. It could be something fixable or it could be a more serious problem that could be a fire hazard. A smoky microwave could be an issue with the internal electrical components, food or liquid residue, or something else […]
Can You Microwave Styrofoam Take Out Boxes?

If you are wondering if you can microwave Styrofoam take out boxes, we’ve got you covered. Popping food in the microwave is a quick and easy solution to make yourself a meal, snack, reheat some leftovers, or grab a quick bite to eat on your lunch break at the office. Of course not everything can […]
Microwave with Large Display – Best of 2023

A microwave with a large display is a great addition to a kitchen if you have low vision, are an elderly person, or it’s just your preference. The good news is with so many microwaves on the market today finding one with a large display isn’t a problem. We have put together the top picks […]
Caravan Microwaves to Buy 2023

If you are looking for caravan microwaves to buy then you’ve come to the right place. A microwave is a quick and efficient way to make snacks and meals when spending time at your caravan. A caravan microwave can be used when you are there on a weekend break or summer holidays, or it might […]
Best Microwave Oven for Office Use 2023

Leaving the office for lunch might not always be the most convenient option, particularly if you have loads of work to do. A microwave is a quick and easy option for you and your co-workers to have a warm meal. Picking the best microwave oven for office use can be tricky with so many to […]
How Big is a 17L Microwave? | Best 17 Litre Microwaves

The most popular compact microwave tends to be 17 Litres in size. Combining the right balance of internal and external dimensions without compromising one another, unless it’s an unusual design. So, how big is a 17L microwave? It depends on the design and brand. We have put together the dimensions for the most popular 17L […]